Our aim is to provide our clients with an excellent level of service. However, we recognise that there could be an occasion when you are dissatisfied with the service you have received from us and wish to complain. We take complaints very seriously and have developed this Complaints Handling Procedure to explain how we will deal with your complaint.
Should you need to make a complaint, please contact our Complaints Manager using any of the following methods:
- By Telephone: 02070788298
- By Email:
- In Writing to: PO Box 20, Les Echelons Court, Les Echelons, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1AR
Please ensure to include the following as part of your complaint:
- Your full name and address;
- Your preferred method of contact;
- A description of your complaint together with any applicable supporting documents or evidence; and
- Any requested method of resolving the complaint.
Our Complaints Handling Process
We take all complaints seriously and will review your complaint by considering all the available evidence in conjunction with any relevant laws, regulations or guidance from applicable authorities.
We will handle your complaint in the following manner:
- Following receipt of your complaint, we will ensure we have sent acknowledgement of your complaint in writing within 3 working days of receiving your complaint;
- If you make an oral complaint, our acknowledgement will set out our understanding of your complaint;
- If we have reasonable grounds to believe that another firm may be solely or jointly responsible for the allegation(s) made, we will forward the complaint or the relevant part of it to that firm. We will write to you to confirm our actions and provide contact details of the firm concerned;
- We will ensure that you are regularly kept informed of our progress with regards to the investigation into your complaint;
- We aim to send you our Final Decision Letter addressing your concerns and providing you with our decision within 8 weeks of your initial complaint;
- Where we are still unable to send you our Final Decision Letter within 8 weeks of your complaint, we will notify you of such in writing within 8 weeks of your complaint, along with an explanation as to why we have been unable to complete our investigations within this time scale. We will confirm when you can next expect contact from us;
- At this stage, you will be entitled to refer your complaint to The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) who offer eligible complainants a free, independent service for resolving disputes. You may contact the FOS by;
- calling their consumer helpline on:
- 0800 0 234 567 (free for people phoning from a "fixed line"), or
- 0300 123 9 123 (free for mobile users who pay a monthly charge for calls to numbers starting 01 or 02)
- Writing to them at:
- The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR
- Emailing them at:
- Further detailed information about the FOS, including a description of eligible complainants, can be found:
- In the FOS’s leaflet ‘Your Complaint and the Ombudsman’ which we can provide you with, or it is available to download from the Financial Ombudsman Service website
- We will continue to investigate the complaint until we are in a position to send you our Final Decision Letter;
- If your complaint is upheld, we will provide you with fair compensation for any acts or omissions for which we are responsible;
- Once you have received our Final Decision Letter, if you are unhappy with our handling of your complaint you can refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service via the methods provided above. You must refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service within 6 months of the date of our Final Decision Letter;
- We shall deem the complaint closed when:
- Our investigation has been completed and a Final Decision Letter has been sent to you; or
- You have indicated, in writing, acceptance of any earlier response, where appropriate.